JAC: Babies, Kids, and Families Do Not Belong Behind Barbed Wire


LOS ANGELES – The New York Times revealed that the Biden administration is considering expanding the use of family detention centers, a practice that Biden had essentially stopped. Below is a statement from Adela de la Torre, Deputy Director at Justice Action Center:

“Anyone who has visited these family detention centers knows that they are jails for kids. To paraphrase Joe Biden, we can’t believe we have to say this, but families belong together, and should be free. If the Biden administration moves forward with this proposal, it will become cruel new nadir in a legacy that has been filled with disappointments.

“Cruelty may not be the Biden administration’s goal, but it is certainly the byproduct of the administration’s current immigration strategy. And the harms to children and families are no less devastating whether the administration implementing the policy is Republican or Democratic.”


Tasha Moro
Justice Action Center

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