Author name: giantrabbit

JAC Welcomes TPS Designation for Ethiopia

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ethiopia. Below is a statement from Laura Flores, Skadden Fellow at Justice Action Center: “Today’s DHS designation of TPS for Ethiopia is welcome news for the 30,000 Ethiopians currently in the U.S. who will be able to work and contribute […]

JAC Welcomes TPS Designation for Ethiopia Read More »

Fifth Circuit Sides with Texas in Challenge of DACA, Finds the Program Unlawful

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW ORLEANS—Today, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the State of Texas in Texas v. USA, the federal case challenging the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Below is a statement from Karen Tumlin, founder and director of Justice Action Center: “Today’s Fifth Circuit’s ruling on DACA is yet another example

Fifth Circuit Sides with Texas in Challenge of DACA, Finds the Program Unlawful Read More »

Black Immigrant Organizations File FOIA Lawsuit Demanding Transparency on the Abuse of Haitians in Del Rio Last Year

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW YORK—Today, Black-led immigrant justice organizations Haitian Bridge Alliance, UndocuBlack Network, and African Communities Together filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) complaint in the Southern District of New York seeking records from the U.S. government on the abuse of Haitian asylum seekers in Del Rio, TX last year. Nearly a year after the original request was submitted on October

Black Immigrant Organizations File FOIA Lawsuit Demanding Transparency on the Abuse of Haitians in Del Rio Last Year Read More »

Haitians Abused in Del Rio Speak Out, Demand Accountability One Year Later

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C.– On the first anniversary of their attempt to seek safety in Del Rio, Texas, Haitian asylum seekers who endured abuse and inhumane conditions at the hands of the federal government are speaking out and demanding accountability. In the year since viral photos of abuse at the U.S-Mexico border sparked international

Haitians Abused in Del Rio Speak Out, Demand Accountability One Year Later Read More »

New DACA Regulation Underscores Need for Permanent Solution

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LOS ANGELES — The Biden administration published a new regulation to better define Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, but doesn’t make any substantial changes to modernize the program. The program, which has been in place since August 2012, has provided protection from deportation and work authorization to hundreds of thousands of applicants,

New DACA Regulation Underscores Need for Permanent Solution Read More »

JAC Responds to Official Termination of Remain in Mexico, Attempts by Texas to Delay Wind-Down

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a victory for immigrants’ rights movement, the Remain in Mexico program has been officially terminated after court proceedings following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Biden v. Texas on June 30. Below is a statement from Justice Action Center founder and director Karen Tumlin: “The official end to shameful Remain in

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JAC Responds to Supreme Court’s Certification of Decision on Remain in Mexico; Encourages Swift and Humane Wind-Down of Deadly Program

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Supreme Court has just certified its decision in the Remain in Mexico case, Biden v. Texas.  Here is a statement from Karen Tumlin, founder and director at Justice Action Center: “Today, the Supreme Court issued its judgment certifying the Biden Administration’s ability to end the deadly Remain in Mexico (RMX) program.  As JAC and the #SafeNotStranded campaign have

JAC Responds to Supreme Court’s Certification of Decision on Remain in Mexico; Encourages Swift and Humane Wind-Down of Deadly Program Read More »

14 States and District of Columbia File Amicus Brief Supporting Haitian Plaintiffs in HBA v. Biden

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C.—Fourteen states and the District of Columbia have filed an amicus brief in support of the plaintiffs in Haitian Bridge Alliance v. Biden, a federal class action lawsuit that seeks justice for the more than 15,000 Haitian asylum seekers abused in Del Rio, Texas in September 2021. The following is a statement by the HBA

14 States and District of Columbia File Amicus Brief Supporting Haitian Plaintiffs in HBA v. Biden Read More »

Co-Counsel in Haitian Bridge Alliance v. Biden File Opposition to DOJ’s “Baseless” Motion to Dismiss

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 19, 2022 WASHINGTON, D.C.—Co-counsel in Haitian Bridge Alliance v. Biden, seeking justice for the more than 15,000 Haitian asylum seekers abused in Del Rio, Texas in September 2021 have filed an opposition in response to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) motion to dismiss their federal class action lawsuit. This filing follows the release of a Customs and

Co-Counsel in Haitian Bridge Alliance v. Biden File Opposition to DOJ’s “Baseless” Motion to Dismiss Read More »

CBP Report Reflects DHS’s Lack of Accountability & Justice for Haitian Migrants Abused in Del Rio

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Friday, Custom and Border Patrol’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) issued a 511 page “Report of Investigation” on the September 19, 2021 incident in Del Rio where Border patrol threatened Haitian asylum seekers with split reins and verbally abused individuals who were bringing food and water back to their families. 

CBP Report Reflects DHS’s Lack of Accountability & Justice for Haitian Migrants Abused in Del Rio Read More »

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