Press Releases and Statements

Immigrant Rights Organizations Submit FOIA Request Seeking Information on “Batavia” NY Detention Center

NEW YORK—Today, on behalf of Justice for Migrant Families Western New York, Prisoners’ Legal Services of New York, and Rapid Defense Network (RDN), Justice Action Center, RDN, and pro bono counsel Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for records on its policies and […]

Immigrant Rights Organizations Submit FOIA Request Seeking Information on “Batavia” NY Detention Center Read More »

#SafeNotStranded Campaign Launches Ahead of April Supreme Court Arguments in Biden v. Texas

LOS ANGELES—Today, 41 organizations launch the #SafeNotStranded campaign to shed light on Biden v. Texas, which the Supreme Court will hear on April 26. The case not only concerns the future of the Trump administration’s cruel Remain in Mexico (RMX) program that persists to this day; it also raises critical questions on executive powers. The campaign launches as

#SafeNotStranded Campaign Launches Ahead of April Supreme Court Arguments in Biden v. Texas Read More »

JAC’s New Litigation Tracker Follows States’ Legal Efforts to Uphold Trump-Era Immigration Policies

LOS ANGELES—Justice Action Center (JAC) launched a litigation tracker microsite that follows states’ legal challenges to inclusive federal immigration policies. Since President Biden took office, states like Texas, Arizona, Florida, and others have poured immense resources into impeding progress and defending Trump-era policies that demonize, endanger, and discriminate against immigrants. Updated continuously, the JAC litigation tracker decodes

JAC’s New Litigation Tracker Follows States’ Legal Efforts to Uphold Trump-Era Immigration Policies Read More »

Dueling Title 42 Court Decisions on a Single Day Make Clear: Biden Must End the Policy Once and for All

LOS ANGELES—This morning, the DC Circuit Court ruled in Huisha-Huisha v. DHS, the case challenging the use of Title 42 to expel families seeking safety, that the government cannot use the public health order to expel people back to countries where they are likely to suffer persecution or torture. While this case concerns family units, the rationale presented in

Dueling Title 42 Court Decisions on a Single Day Make Clear: Biden Must End the Policy Once and for All Read More »

Justice Action Center on Supreme Court Decision to Hear Biden v. Texas: Urgent and Necessary

LOS ANGELES — The Supreme Court announced today that it would hear oral argument in an expedited fashion on Biden v. Texas, a case challenging the Biden administration’s decision to get rid of Remain in Mexico, a Trump-era policy that has marooned tens of thousands of asylum seekers in dangerous conditions in Mexico. The court is

Justice Action Center on Supreme Court Decision to Hear Biden v. Texas: Urgent and Necessary Read More »

JAC Urges Biden Administration to Immediately Issue TPS For Cameroon

Justice Action Center (JAC) urges the Biden Administration to issue Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Cameroon. JAC deputy director Adela de la Torre issued the following statement: “There are no possible reasons other than political cowardice and anti-Black racism that the Biden Administration should hesitate any longer in designating TPS for Cameroon, where continued armed

JAC Urges Biden Administration to Immediately Issue TPS For Cameroon Read More »

JAC Responds to President Biden’s Immigration Record After First Year

It has been one year since President Biden took office. Below, Karen Tumlin, founder and director of Justice Action Center, reflects on the Biden administration’s immigration record: “Immigrant communities are still suffering under harmful policies of the Trump administration Biden had campaigned on ending. While Biden did take welcomed executive action, such as rescinding Trump’s

JAC Responds to President Biden’s Immigration Record After First Year Read More »

Un Recours Collectif Fédéral Allègue le Traitement Raciste et Abusif des Migrants Haïtiens à Del Rio

PUBLICATION IMMÉDIATE 20 Décembre 2021 WASHINGTON, D.C.—Alléguant des violences physiques, de la discrimination raciale, le refus de fournir des produits de première nécessité et des traitements médicaux, ainsi que l’absence totale de traitement des demandes d’asile, Haitian Bridge Alliance, 11 demandeurs d’asile haïtiens, Justice Action Center et Innovation Law Lab ont intenté aujourd’hui une action

Un Recours Collectif Fédéral Allègue le Traitement Raciste et Abusif des Migrants Haïtiens à Del Rio Read More »

Federal Class Action Lawsuit Alleges Racist and Abusive Treatment of Haitian Migrants in Del Rio, Texas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WASHINGTON, D.C.—Alleging physical abuse, racial discrimination, denial of basic necessities and medical treatment, and a complete failure to process asylum claims, Haitian Bridge Alliance, 11 Haitian asylum seekers, Justice Action Center, and Innovation Law Lab brought suit against the Biden administration today. The federal class action lawsuit alleges the U.S. government violated

Federal Class Action Lawsuit Alleges Racist and Abusive Treatment of Haitian Migrants in Del Rio, Texas Read More »

JAC Condemns Biden Administration’s Restarting and Expansion of Remain in Mexico Program

LOS ANGELES—Today, the Biden Administration issued a new implementation memo outlining the ways it will restart the Trump-era Remain in Mexico program (also known as MPP), in cooperation with the Mexican government, starting next week. Since its implementation by the Trump administration in 2019, Remain in Mexico has stranded tens of thousands of asylum seekers in dangerous

JAC Condemns Biden Administration’s Restarting and Expansion of Remain in Mexico Program Read More »

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