Biden to Announce a Promising Shift in Immigration Policy That Would Benefit Many Mixed Status Families


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the Biden Administration will announce a set of immigration policies that include offering certain longtime undocumented spouses of US citizens temporary protection from deportation and work authorization. Below is a statement from Karen Tumlin, founder and director of Justice Action Center, who will be attending President Biden’s announcement at the White House today:

“Love—and the vows that bind people together—have for too long been cast aside by an immigration system that fails to recognize marriage between undocumented people and U.S. citizens. As a result, countless spouses and their children have had to live in unnecessary fear that one broken taillight or one wrong move could separate them forever.

“These people have been bravely sharing their lives for years, and today, the Biden Administration will take a concrete step toward offering a chance at safety and stability to many. Rather than forcing undocumented folks to continue to live in fear and uncertainty, today’s announcements offering undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens work authorization and protection from deportation will offer hope to many mixed status couples and families who have been at risk of being torn apart for far too long.

“As litigators, we know that any protective measure Biden announces will not go without challenge. As Justice Action Center has done in the recent past, we will ensure that everyday people who are most impacted have a seat at the legal table if such policies are threatened.

“Our record on Biden is clear: we will hold him to account when he fails to live up to our laws or the nation’s values when it comes to treating immigrant communities with dignity—whether it is migrants fleeing persecution or long-term undocumented family members. While we will celebrate today, we will begin the hard work tomorrow of ensuring that the promises made will benefit real people in the near future.

“I will attend the President’s announcement at the White House with great hope for a brighter, more just future—and a renewed sense of gratitude for and solidarity with the communities who have led these efforts. JAC looks forward to continuing our work alongside them.”

Justice Action Center (JAC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting for greater justice for immigrant communities by combining litigation and storytelling. JAC is committed to bringing additional litigation resources to address unmet needs, empower clients, and change the corrosive narrative around immigrants in the U.S. Learn more at and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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Tasha Moro

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